Victorian Railways
N Scale Signal Relay boxes

Part no. SD007 Each kit comes with 2, 4 and 6 door units. 9 units (3 of each type).

The Victorian Railways steel relay boxes are generally found at level crossings, and signal locations throughout the state. Most level crossings in the metropolitan area have two boxes, one containing the track and associated relays to control the operation of the boom gates, and a second box containing the batteries and charging equipment that drives the booms. At signalling locations, there is generally one box, containing the relays for the track circuits and to operate the signals. 

At most crossings the relay box will also have a telephone and test switch box mounted on the side to enable the crossing to be manually operated for maintenance, and to allow track machines to travel safely across the crossing.

Detailing: Using the photo as guide sand or file in one direction so as not to splinter the Relay Box, a chamfer from to back of the top, approximately 1mm. Just a few strokes along some fine sandpaper will do the job also. Paint the legs a concrete colour and the unit silver. Weather to taste once dry.