N Scale Wagon Pricelist

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Wagon kits

Part no Description (click to sort)SOH Price
1004Victorian Railways FJ class 4 wheel flour wagon complete with underframe0$35.00
1005Victorian Railways J class small dome cement wagon 3D printed complete with underframe and etch (2pk)11$65.00
1006Victorian Railways J class cement 2 domes medium height complete with underframe0$35.00
1007VR KC container wagon (2pk) with 4 different body style LCLs and 3D printed underframe kit10$50.00
1008VR WT Water Tank complete with Peco underframe0$33.00
1009VR P van explosives with 3D underframe and wheels (2pk)11$55.00
1010VR or V/Line FCW/VQDW 85ft container wagon requires bogies4$40.00
1011VR 4 wheel Laser cut cattle wagon 2 per pack. Includes 2 x 3D printed correct VR underframes22$50.00
1014Victorian Railways 'L' sheep wagon 5 pack with underframes0$150.00
1015-3pkVictorian Railways 3 dome cement wagon JX - VPCX 3 pack (No bogies or couplers which are available separately)0$125.00
1015-5pkVictorian Railways 3 dome cement wagon JX - VPCX 5 pack (No bogies or couplers which are available separately)0$200.00
1016Victorian Railways Z series 6 wheel guards includes 3D printed underframe and wheels4$32.00
1017Victorian Railways Jackett's FJ class 4 wheel flour wagon complete with underframe0$35.00
1018Victorian Railways Hutchinson's FJ class 4 wheel flour wagon complete with underframe0$35.00
1032Victorian Railways Freight and Passenger Guards van ZLP/VVBP complete with correct VR bogies5$36.00
1033PTC-V/Line Skeletal flat wagon - All 3 deck types in the bulk pack - requires bogies4$90.00
1035Victorian Railways MF / VSBY bogie cattle wagon 2 pack (requires bogies)11$40.00
1035-5pkVictorian Railways MF / VSBY bogie cattle wagon 5 pack (requires bogies)0$90.00
1036Victorian Railways SFX /VFLX Flat wagon 2 pack (No bogies or couplers which are available separately)5$70.00
1037Victorian Railways 'S' riveted flat Wagon (No bogies or couplers which are available separately)14$30.00
1038-3pkV/Line VPCX / VPAX 3 dome cement wagon 3 pack (Bogies & couplers which are available separately)0$125.00
1038-5pkV/Line VPCX / VPAX 3 dome cement wagon 5 pack (Bogies & couplers which are available separately)0$200.00
1040Victorian Railways VP Passenger Express Baggage Van ( Includes VR BX bogies, decals and 3D print)0$40.00
1041Victorian Railways steel T van ( includes underframe, decals and laser cut walkways)11$33.00
1042Victorian Railways wooden U/HD van - 3D printed underframe, etched shunter steps, decals & wheels (2pk)2$55.00
1043Victorian Railways steel U 3rd series van - 3D printed underframe, etched shunter steps, decals & wheels (2pk)5$55.00
1044Victorian Railways BLF/BLX box van Includes bogies decals and 3D print0$40.00
1045South Austrlian Railways 4400 brake van3$30.00
1046Victorian Railways GH kit - 6 bodies 2 types - supplied with 3D printed correct underframe and wheels2$170.00
1046Victorian Railways GH kit - 6 bodies 2 types - no underframes supplied0$130.00
1047Victorian Railways 1st series U van - 3D printed underframe, etched shunter steps, decals and wheels (2pk)5$55.00
1048Victorian Railways LF/LL bogie sheep wagon - 2 wagons per pack - requires bogies and couplers0$70.00
1049Victorian Railways QR open wagon - 2 wagons per pack - requires couplers and bogies8$55.00
1050Victorian Railways Long wheel T van - comes with MicroTrains couplers0$35.00
1051Victorian Railways V car series AV, BV and ABL complete with bogies & wheels  - specify which code you want7$55.00
1052Victorian Railways RY early version with rivet detail and outside sill (2pk)19$55.00
1053Victorian Railways small dome J cement with periscope pipes (2pk)0$58.00
1054Victorian Railways GH grain wagon with cut away sides (2pk)12$70.00
1055Victorian Railways CP bogie guards van20$50.00
1056Victorian Railways FX 4 dome flour wagon0$0.00
1057Victorian Railways GY outside sill version (2pk)15$55.00
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